Home Selected PressCatherine Farish Press Catherine Farish – Notes Catalog

Catherine Farish – Notes Catalog

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By Robert Enright,  2012

 The one thing that has remained constant in her ongoing search for difference has been the quality of her work. Farish is one of Québec’s most adept and original printmakers. 

Catherine Farish is constantly inquiring into different ways of looking. Whether she is combing scrapyards for metal parts and computer discards to use as printing objects, re-purposing player piano rolls as surfaces on which she can situate abstract marks, language fragments, or figures, or re-writing a romance on envelopes from the 1940s, she is perennially on the lookout for things that will allow her to complicate both surfaces and the manner in which they are perceived. Hers is a restless sort of gathering.

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